Team trip to Milan

The first joint trip after JOIN, the merger of the Treureva and Avanta Groups, promised exuberant spirits and gorgeous weather in Milan. Our time in this fascinating city was an impressive adventure that not only included cultural explorations and culinary delights, but also gave us the opportunity to get to know our new teammates better.
The first joint trip after JOIN, the merger of the Treureva and Avanta Groups, promised exuberant spirits and gorgeous weather in Milan. Our time in this fascinating city was an impressive adventure that not only included cultural explorations and culinary delights, but also gave us the opportunity to get to know our new teammates better.

After our arrival in Milan and a short exploration break in the city, we all gathered for a joint aperitif. Here we could not only enjoy the local delicacies, but also get to know the partners and the employees of STUDIO DE GIORGI e ASSOCIATI, our local partner of PrimeGlobal, personally.

The successful aperitif with delicious food and drinks put us in the perfect mood for dinner, where we were treated to an exquisite 4-course menu. The speeches were short, but the free evening was correspondingly longer. Some of us used this opportunity to explore the city further, while others made the bars and clubs of Milan unsafe.

The next morning, the cathedral tour was on the agenda. Fortified by the rich breakfast buffet, we climbed the majestic structure and enjoyed the breathtaking view of Milan. This effort was rewarded with an authentic pizza and a refreshing gelato.

The team trip to Milan proved to be not only an opportunity to explore this beautiful city, but also an outstanding team event to strengthen our team spirit. We would like to sincerely thank everyone for their enthusiasm and the great atmosphere that contributed to this special experience. We appreciate the successful organization of this excursion and look forward to more exciting adventures.

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